Tinris Wiki

Orcs of Tinris are considered a foundation race.

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The Children of Barnatím, Orcs of Tinris are a very proud race who lay claim to descent from space travelers. This is born out by the differences in their technology and magic from that of the other races of Tinris. One of the most holy sites on Pasyd is also rumored to have once been a port for spacefaring vessels, although no such ship has been seen on Tinris within the last six thousand years (the beginning of recorded history among the Barnatím)

As a rule, Barnatím – who refer to themselves by the name of their deity rather than the name provided by the Halfling language – are a kritocratic lot. Their society mirrors their government, and as a whole they bind themselves in the rule of law. To be a judge (dómari, in their own language) is the highest position in society. Life amongst the Orcs is very structured. Each day begins with prayer and reflection, and ends much the same. Each settlement also tends to make extensive use of signal bells. These are used for communication both within the settlement, and are also enchanted for distance travel across the continent. For this reason, many Orcish expletives and oaths involve bells.

Orc settlements tend to be primarily composed of the members of one blood-related family. This might be taken to mean that Orcs are very prolific, which is quite true, though in a different manner than Halflings are prolific. Orc children are born in smaller groups, but more frequently. Orc gestatation on Tinris ranges between four and five months and Orc females enter heat roughly one month after giving birth. If heat does not lead to reproduction within five days, the female leaves heat for three months. Laws surrounding reproduction and family are some of the most complex, yet important, within Orcish culture.

Orcs on Tinris live for roughly one hundred years, though some elders have claimed two centuries under very strict living conditions. Orcs are primarily pale of skin, ranging from a pale pink through an almost alabaster white. They dress in very heavy, regimented clothing, with each settlement wearing a uniform set of colors and styles. Strangers, therefore, can be easily identified from natives and are provided a different set of courtesies and laws.

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